Saturday, February 13, 2016

Throwing in Aikido

For those of you who have read my blog before, I apologize for taking so long to get back to it. I have deleted all the stuff from before in order to have this blog go along with a series of videos my instructor, John Kilpatrick Sensei (Godan, Aikikai), and I are making. We are doing this for a few reasons.

First, as simply a chronicle of our Aiki experiments.

Second, we need to get some more victims...I mean students... in to experiment on...I mean with.

Third, we enjoy watching ourselves wearing pajamas and dancing around like graceful swans in our ultra-modern dojo. OK that was total bullshit.

But I can't just leave it at that, can I? Hell no! Along the way I will force you to endure my lengthy quasi-philosophical ramblings about what Aiki is, what O'Sensei meant in his lengthy quasi-philosophical ramblings, and what type of socks are best to wear in the dead of winter when the dojo/garage is freezing cold. All this and more. If you're lucky.

The first video is entitled "How Aikido Throws Work" and is a look got it. We look at breaking your joints, breaking your balance, and breaking your structure. Enjoy.

Oh:  the only time we wear the Japanese costumes is when we make videos. Any other time we practice we are in sweat pants, shorts, t-shirts, whatever. I have no idea why we wear the gi when we make videos, other than John likes it that way.

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